Before I begin this blog post, I want to thank everyone who has inspired me. I have done a few blog posts about Sunny now and so I think it's time to talk about the people who have inspired me. If you know me, even in the slightest way, you may have inspired me by saying a few encouraging words. Or maybe you've been a large part of my writing process. These are just some of the people who have inspired me.
Gilda Syverson - Thank you for encouraging me from the get-go! You have really inspired me with all your encouraging words. You've given me art sets or books for my birthday and Christmas - both of which have helped me develop my reading skills and my art skills.
Lisa Kline - Thank you for editing both of my books for me and for all your encouragement! Your novels have also really inspired me. I have read them more times than I can count and I enjoy your interesting characters, the very exciting story lines and the animals that are involved in the Sisters in all Seasons series.
Jo Rissanen - Thank you for help with the cover of both my books and for your encouragement! I enjoyed taking your art classes even before I began to work on my books and then when I did start writing, you helped me greatly with the cover art.
My Writing Group (including Lauren-Kate Stewart, Makayla McMinn and my mom ) - Thank you for everything you have all done to help and encourage me! You've all given me many many suggestions and helped me talk out lots of plot issues. And you've been there for me when I need encouragement and anything else! Lauren-Kate, it's been so fun taking this journey together. Your writing right alongside me has inspired me tons and I always look forward to our playtime afterwards. You've been such a good friend. Thank you, Makayla, for all your good ideas about where to add Harry in (readers will find out more about Harry when my third book comes out:-) ) and thank you for your chapter title suggestions. Mom, thanks for everything you do, not just writing, but just being my mother.
And again, those are just a few of the people who have inspired me through this journey.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my blog post.